【箴言 16:32】 不轻易发怒的,胜过勇士; 治服己心的,强如取城。 生气的人只能享受自己的愤怒, 生气对别人对自己没有任何好处!
一个坏脾气的人,会毁了自己的生活 愤怒会破坏与他人的关系, 愤怒会破坏自己的幸福和健康。
相信主的慈爱永远长存, 常常到主的面前悔改自新, 常常到主的面前领受爱,领受力量!
不轻易发怒,胜过勇士! 制服己心,强如取城!
父啊!求你赦免我愤怒的罪! 我奉主耶稣大能的名抵挡怒气的灵! 恳求圣灵赐我力量 不再轻易发怒! 恳求圣灵赐我智慧 有技巧地说话! 恳求圣灵赐我力量 能耐心地说话! 奉主耶稣大能的名,阿们!![]()
An angry man can only enjoy his anger,
Anger does no good to anyone else or
A man with a bad temper will ruin his life
Anger can destroy relationships with others,
Anger can damage your own happiness and health.
Believe in the everlasting love of the Lord,
Always come to the Lord for repentance and renewal,
Always come to the Lord to receive love and strength!
He that is slow to anger is better than a mighty man.
It is better to control one's own mind than to take a city.
Father! Forgive me the sin of my anger!
In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus, I resist the spirit of anger!
Pray the Holy Spirit to give me strength not to be angry easily!
May the Holy Spirit give me wisdom and skill to speak!
May the Holy Spirit give me the strength to speak patiently!
In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!