问题: 神的仆人你好 求神借着你的口来告诉我, 圣经说,别贪恋世界 我们上班和干活挣钱 算不算贪恋世界呢? 回答: 【创世记2:15】 耶和华神将那人 安置在伊甸园, 使他修理看守。 伊甸园里的亚当 1,有神 2,有家 3,有工作 亚当的意思就是人 真理启示:人生的三方面 1,需要神~~依靠神 2,需要家~~建立关系 3,需要工作~经营事业 真理启示:人的责任 1,靠主去生活!(建立关系) 2,靠主去干活!(经营事业) 当然有少数人 领受特殊呼召, 放下工作, 脱产全职像利未人, 没有全职呼召的人 靠主去工作, 不是贪爱世界, 乃是人的责任! 其实职场就是禾场! 透过工作,发挥才干 透过工作,享受果效 透过工作,被人认可 透过工作,建立人脉 透过工作,传扬福音 何乐而不为?何乐而不为? 【西3:23】 无论做什么,都要从心里做, 像是给主做的,不是给人做的。 无论做什么, 为主做的就是侍奉! 调整你的动机和存心 甘心为主做 平凡地生活 已经走在侍奉神的路上! 甘心就开心! 所以我们都该 1,透过属灵追求侍奉神 3,透过建立关系侍奉神 4,透过工作侍奉神 5,透过服事侍奉神Question: Hello servant of God. Bible says:"Don't be greedy for the world" So does it count as being greed for the world while making money. [Genesis 2:15] The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work in it and take care of it. Adam has: 1.God 2.Family 3.Work "Adam" means people Truth Revelation: Three Parts of Life 1.God to rely on 2.Family to build relationship 3.Work is business Truth Revelation: Responsibility of People 1.Need God to live in your own life 2.Need God to help with your business Few people were called by God to serve Him and work for God's Kingdom. For those who are not being called, go to work with God's help and that is not being greedy but so-called responsibility. [Colossians 3:23] Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. You can still honor God by workplace. Develop your talents through work Enjoy the results through work Be recognized by people through work Build contacts through work Preach the gospel through work Why not to do it? No matter what you do, as long as you are doing for God, you are honoring HIM. Adjust your motivation and intentions Be willing to do it for the Lord Live an ordinary life That's already on the way to serve God! That's how it should be! Thats also why we should: 1. Serve God through spiritual pursuits 3. Serve God by establishing relationships 4. Serve God by working 5. Serve God through service