【哥林多后书 10:4-5】
基督徒啊!起来争战! 营垒被攻破!人心才会被夺回! 营垒不是草包!营垒是坚固的! 营垒就是错误的思维模式! 营垒就是违背真理的思维模式! 但无论多么坚固,你都可以攻破它! 起来! 为你所牵挂的人提名祷告: 天父爸爸! 1,我奉主耶稣大能的名祝福xxx! 父啊,我巴不得他好,我愿意对他好, 求主赦免我曾经对他不够好! 父啊,当我祝福他时, 我也想起他曾经对我的伤害, 恳求圣灵安慰我,恳求圣灵医治我, 恳求圣灵给我力量不再计较! 父啊,赦免我曾经仇恨的罪! 我奉主耶稣的名抵挡仇恨的灵离开我 2,我奉主耶稣大能的名, 以祭司的身份, 站在xxx生命破口之处, 代替xxx向天父认罪, 恳求天父赦免他的无知, 悖逆,自义,血气, 错误的认知,错误的观念, 错误的逻辑,错误的思维模式,,, 3,我奉主耶稣大能的名抵挡 无知的灵,悖逆的灵,混乱的灵, 自义的灵,血气的灵,蒙蔽的灵, 谎言的灵,谬误的灵, 以及错误的认知背后的黑暗权势。 我奉主耶稣大能的名命令 这些邪恶的权势离开他的身心灵和环境 我奉主耶稣大能的名斥责 这些污秽的权势离开他的身心灵和环境 4,恳求圣灵释放属神的分辨力, 洞察力给xxx, 使他渐渐明白真理,进入真理! 并且懂得奉主耶稣的名 弃绝一切不是从神而来的! 5,我恳求圣灵擦亮他属灵的眼睛! 我恳求圣灵揭开他灵里的帕子! 擦亮,擦亮,,,揭开,揭开,,, 我恳求圣灵大大恩膏他!感动他! 感化他,更新他,医治他! 6,我奉主耶稣的名恳求天父 调动物质界的资源和灵界的资源 为他效力!施恩于他! 7,我奉主耶稣大能的名 调动神国度里的祷告力量落在xxx身上 8,我奉主耶稣大能的名 差遣大能的天使为他争战,掳掠仇敌, 摧毁黑暗的权势!粉碎邪灵的作为! 夺回他的心志渐渐转向耶稣! 得着拯救!得着医治! 得着释放!得着自由! 阿们!阿们!阿们 (天天认真专心重复祷告,越多越好) 祷告不可灰心,到了时候,就有收成! 【加拉太书6:9】 我们行善,不可丧志; 若不灰心,到了时候就要收成。
Christians! Get up and fight!
The fortress was broken!
People's hearts will be retaken!
The fortress is not a straw bag!
The fortress is strong! Fortress is the
wrong mode of thinking!
Fortress is a mode of thinking that
goes against the truth!
But no matter how strong, you can
break it!
stand up! Nominate and pray for
the people you care about:
Father Father!
1. I bless xxx in the mighty name of
the Lord Jesus!
Father, I want him to be nice,
I am willing to be nice to him,
Please forgive me for not being good
enough to him!
Father, when I bless him,
I also think of the harm he did to me,
Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort me,
plead for the Holy Spirit to heal me,
Pray for the Holy Spirit to give me the
strength to stop worrying!
Father, forgive the sins I once hated!
I resist the spirit of hatred and leave
me in the name of the Lord Jesus!
2. I, in the mighty name of the Lord
Jesus, As a priest,
Standing at the breach of xxx's life,
Instead of xxx,
confess his sins to Heavenly Father,
Plead with Heavenly Father to forgive
him for his ignorance, rebellion,
flesh and blood,
wrong perceptions,
wrong ideas, wrong logic,
wrong thinking patterns
3. In the mighty name of the Lord
Jesus, I resist the ignorant spirit,
the rebellious spirit,
the chaotic spirit,
the self-righteous spirit,
the natural spirit,
the deceiving spirit, the lying spirit,
the false spirit, and the wrong
In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus,
I command these evil powers to leave
his soul and environment.
4. Pray for the Holy Spirit to release
divine discernment and insight to xxx,
so that he will gradually understand
the truth and enter the truth!
And know that to abandon
everything which does not come
from God!
5. I ask the Holy Spirit to polish
his spiritual eyes!
I ask the Holy Spirit to uncover the
veil of his spirit!
Polish, polish,,,
uncover, uncover,,,
I ask the Holy Spirit to anoint
him greatly!
Move him!
renew him, heal him!
6. In the name of the Lord Jesus,
I ask the Father to send the resources
of the material world and the
resources of the spiritual world
to work for him!
Show kindness to him!
7. I mobilize the prayer power in
the kingdom of God to fall on xxx
in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus
8. In the mighty name of the Lord
Jesus, I send mighty angels to fight
for him, take the enemy captives,
and destroy the power of darkness!
Shatter the work of evil spirits!
The mind to regain him gradually
turned to Jesus! Saved!
Get healed! Got release!
Be free!
Amen! Amen! Amen
Don't be discouraged in prayer,
when the time comes,
there will be a harvest!
(Galations 6:9)
Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we
will reap a harvest if we do not
give up.