【彼得前书 4:8】 最要紧的是彼此切实相爱, 因为爱能遮掩许多的罪。 相处要诀:爱能遮掩许多的罪, 忽略过错, 不算老账 不随意批评指责! 每当你挑剔别人的错误和缺点时, 你是在为自己招惹麻烦和失败! (当然这与就事论事不同) 现在知道这些事情 比等到最后一刻才知道,要好多了! 因为如果我们现在悔改, 我们的罪就被赦免,被涂抹。 也不会被带进永恒里! 那些你用正确的心态 去做的新事, 将来会和你一同带入永恒! 与人对抗,与人争竞 在天堂根本没有立足之地! 基督徒处事原则:对事不对人! 对人:总要饶恕接纳! 对事:力求公平公义! 公平:我决不坑你 公义:你的决定,我尊重! 公义:行为后果,你自扛! 神正在寻找 那些真心实意看自己为小, 任何时候都 愿意坐在最后面,站在幕后 以致使别人伟大的灵魂 ~~成全并不拥有~~ 神必将冠冕赐给他们!!![]()
Knowing God’s Will(13) Don't count the old accounts
The key to getting along: love can cover many sins, Ignore the fault, Don't count the old accounts Don't criticize and blame at will!
Whenever you pick other people's mistakes and shortcomings, you are causing trouble and failure for yourself! (Of course this is different from justifying the matter)
Knowing these things now is much better than waiting until the last minute! Because if we repent now, Our sins are forgiven and wiped out. Nor will it be brought into eternity!
Those new things you do with the right attitude will be brought into eternity with you in the future!
Confronting people, competing with people, this kind of behavior has no place in heaven at all!
Christian principles of dealing with things: concern oneself with facts and not with individuals Treat people: Always forgive and accept! Deal with things: strive for fairness and justice! Fairness: I will never cheat you Justice: I respect your decision! Justice: You are responsible for the consequences of your actions!
God is looking for souls who truly regard themselves as small, and are willing to sit at the back at any time, standing behind the scenes, so as to make others great
~~To perfect others, not to own~~ God will give them the crown! !