【罗马书 8:6-7】
你必须天天治死老我! 因为你的老我会与你争战! 它会起来反抗你, 你的欲望会起来, 你的喜好会起来, 你的厌恶会起来, 但你就必须让它天天的死去! 并不是很多的人愿意这样活! 如果想要活出完全降服的生命! 你就必须天天向老我死! 肉体不是身体! 肉体就是老我! 肉体老我表现在爱面子、爱虚荣、 争、斗、抢、夺、闹、怕、愁、、 父阿!赦免我不知不觉体贴了肉体! 我奉主耶稣的圣名抵挡肉体的权势! 恳求圣灵赐我力量 不再争斗、不再吵闹、 不再惧怕!不再发愁! 活出平安、喜乐、盼望、刚强、得胜 奉主耶稣基督大能的名!阿们!
You have the obligation to kill the sinful nature because your Sinful nature will rise up and fight against you, all your desires and interests which is not necessary will take away your time that’s why you gotta let your sinful nature die.
Not everyone wants to live the life in the sinful nature. Kill the sinful nature in order to take control of your life.
Sinful nature reflected in worry too much, crucial, fighting, belligerence,and selfish.
Father! Forgive me for taking care of the sinful nature without knowing it! I resist the power of the sinful nature in the name of the Lord Jesus! Pray the Holy Spirit to give me strength No more fighting, no more noise, Fear no more! No more worries! Live in peace, joy, hope, strength, victory In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!